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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 4 Hansard (28 March) . . Page.. 1075 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

reason why he has not done what he said he proposed to do originally. It is not as if he has said that he will do something and then just sat back and sniggered and said, "Ha, ha, I fooled you all." He has written to us, every one of us, and told us why it is that he believes he cannot complete the course of action which he foreshadowed in the house. Is that kind of up-front approach to this issue a basis for censuring a minister? I would suggest that it is not.

Mr Speaker, to answer the other things that have been ranged over here, I think it is appropriate for the tourism corporation, which deals with visitors to the city, to be at the airport, which is where many visitors to the city come when they are arriving in the city. The question of a culture of commercial-in-confidence needing to change, which Mr Osborne raised, is a point well made. That is why this contract will be on the public record as soon as it is completed. But there is, of course, no contract yet. It is still being negotiated. When it is completed, it will be put on the table for public scrutiny. I might point out that members will see every clause of this contract in due course, but we are yet to see that very contentious contract which was much debated in this place, that is, the contract with VITAB Pty Ltd.

Mr Berry: Because the Assembly never asked for it.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is your excuse, Mr Berry. This is a very poor ground for attempting to censure the Minister for Business, Tourism and the Arts.

MR SPEAKER: Are you going to table something, Mr Humphries?

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes, I table the advice from Minter Ellison, Mr Speaker. I present the following paper:

Canberra Tourism and Events Corporation-Member's disclosure of interest-Facsimile copy of advice from Minter Ellison to the Chief Executive, Canberra Tourism and Events Corporation, dated 23 March 2001.

Sitting suspended from 6.02 to 7.30 pm

Question put:

That Mr Berry's amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted-

		Ayes 7  		Noes 9

 Mr Berry  	Ms Tucker  	Mrs Burke  	Mr Moore
 Mr Corbell  	Mr Wood  	Mr Cornwell  	Mr Osborne
 Mr Hargreaves    		Mr Hird  	Mr Rugendyke
 Mr Quinlan    			Mr Humphries  	Mr Smyth
 Mr Stanhope    		Mr Kaine

Question so resolved in the negative.

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