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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 3 Hansard (8 March) . . Page.. 867 ..

Mr Corbell: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: questions shall not be asked which reflect on or are critical of the character or conduct of those persons whose conduct may only be challenged on a substantive motion. Mr Moore is being critical of the character of a person who is unable to respond in this place.

MR SPEAKER: I have the standing order in front of me. I am not sure that there is any reflection or he is being critical of the character or conduct of a person who happens to be involved somewhere in the Trades and Labour Council. I think it is rather a slur on the TLC, but-

Mr Corbell: Oh, Mr Speaker!

MR SPEAKER: No, I am sorry, Mr Moore did not infer, far less suggest. He did not reflect; it was critical of the character of the person for being whatever the woman is so far as the Trades and Labour Council is concerned. Nevertheless, I accept the point that, if one wished to make an issue of that particular matter, then I would uphold standing order 117 (d) that you would have to have a substantive motion.

Mr Humphries: Before you finish, Mr Speaker, may I address you on the point of order?


An incident having occurred in the chamber-

MR SPEAKER: Put that down.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, you have ruled before that that is behaviour which is inappropriate in the Assembly.

MR SPEAKER: Do that again and you will be out.

Mr Berry: I won't.

Mr Humphries: Mr Speaker, standing order 117 (d) says that questions shall not be asked which reflect on or are critical of the character or conduct of those persons.


Mr Humphries: Mr Moore is answering a question, not asking a question. I would respectfully suggest that standing order 117 (d) has no bearing at all on an answer given to a question. Members may be as critical as they wish in the answer to a question.

MR SPEAKER: Thank you. It is also not necessarily being critical of the character. I do not think you attacked the person concerned for being a member of that organisation.

MR MOORE: Mr Speaker, I am surprised that Mr Corbell sees it as a slur to be head of the TLC.

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