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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 3 Hansard (6 March) . . Page.. 721 ..


Clause 52

Subparagraph (3) (a) (ii)

Page 26, line 18-

Omit "3 months", substitute "12 months".


Clause 52

Paragraph (3) (b)

Page 26, line 19-

Omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph:

(b) the tenant accepts the lessor's offer to renew the lease subject to the rent for the lease being market rent.


Clause 59


Page 29, line 1-

Omit "rent ".


Clause 59

Subclause (1)

Page 29, line 3-

Omit "rent concession", substitute "concession".


Clause 70

Proposed new subclause (4)

Page 35, line 23-

At the end of the clause, insert the following new subclause:

(4) Further, subsection (1) (a) (ii) does not allow the lessor to recover from the tenant an outgoing in relation to premises that are usually leased but are currently unleased.


Clause 73

Paragraph (2) (a)

Page 37, line 7-

Omit "specifying minimum standards", substitute "specifying reasonable minimum standards".


Clause 84

Subclause (1)

Page 40, line 17-

Omit the subclause, substitute the following subclause:

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