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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 3 Hansard (6 March) . . Page.. 685 ..

PART 2 - Attorney-General

Clause 53

Subclause (4)

Page 27, line 14-

Omit the subclause, substitute the following subclauses:

(4) If the parties to a lease enter into an interim agreement about renewing or extending the lease-

(a) the lessor cannot withdraw the offer to renew or extend; and

(b) the tenant cannot withdraw the acceptance of the offer.

(5) However, subsection (4) does not apply if the parties agree, after the interim agreement is entered into, that the offer or acceptance may be withdrawn.

(6) For subsections (4) and (5), an interim agreement is entered into if the tenant has accepted the lessor's offer to renew or extend the lease subject to the rent being market rent and, under section 52 (3), requested the Magistrates Court to refer a dispute about the rent for mediation.

            1. PART 3 - Attorney-General's amendment to Ms Tucker's amendment No. 8

              Omit from proposed subclause (4) the words ", whether direct or indirect,".

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