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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 3 Hansard (6 March) . . Page.. 683 ..

(3) The market rent worked out by the valuer is the rent under the lease if the parties fail to agree on a different rent to be charged within 14 days after being given a copy of the valuer's report.

  • Clause 66

    Subparagraph (4) (a) (v)

    Page 33, line 16-

  • Omit the subparagraph, substitute the following subparagraph:

    (v) a contribution paid to a corporation in accordance with a determination under the Unit Titles Act 1970, section 39, to the extent that the contribution is used, or is to be used, for an outgoing mentioned in subparagraphs (i) to (iv); and

  • Clause 66

    Paragraph (4) (a), note

    Page 33, line 20-

  • Omit the note.

  • Clause 85

    Paragraph (1) (b)

    Page 41, line 4-

  • Omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph:

    (b) the tenant can use the premises (fully or in part) for their normal purpose despite the damage.

  • Clause 91

    Paragraph (1) (b)

    Page 43, line 22-

  • Omit 'paragraph 88 (a)', substitute 'section 88'.

  • Clause 144

    Paragraph (2) (c)

    Page 67, line 23-

  • Omit the paragraph, substitute the following paragraph:

    (c) provide that the words used in a lease, or a mortgage for leased premises, have a wider meaning than that set out in the lease or mortgage, and may prescribe the meaning.

  • Clause 145

    Proposed new definition of lease

    Page 68, line 7-

  • After the definition of dispute , insert the following new definition:

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