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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 2 Hansard (1 March) . . Page.. 501 ..
MR STEFANIAK (Minister for Education and Attorney-General) (4.04): Well, if Mr Stanhope wants to know, these particular amendments omit access and operation in each instance.
Amendments agreed to.
Schedule 1, as amended, agreed to.
MR STEFANIAK (Minister for Education and Attorney-General) (4.05): I move amendment No 18 circulated in my name, which again omits access and operation [see schedule 3 at page 540].
Amendment agreed to.
Title, as amended, agreed to.
Bill, as amended, agreed to.
Unit Titles Bill 2000
[Cognate bill:Unit Titles Consequential Amendments Bill 2000]
Debate resumed from 30 November 2000, on motion by Mr Smyth:
That this bill be agreed to in principle.
MR SPEAKER: Is it the wish of the Assembly to debate this bill concurrently with the Unit Titles Consequential Amendments Bill 2000? There being no objection, we will follow that course. I remind members debating executive business order of the day No 4 that they may also address their remarks to executive business order of the day No 5.
Motion (by Mr Corbell ) proposed:
That the debate be adjourned.
Mr Smyth: Mr Speaker, it would appear that the Unit Titles Bill and the leases bill are connected.
MR SPEAKER: This is not open to debate. Just a moment. Is leave granted for the minister to speak, please?
Leave granted.
MR SMYTH (Minister for Urban Services, Minister for Business, Tourism and the Arts and Minister for Police and Emergency Services): Mr Speaker, my office was approached by Mr Corbell's office, seeking to adjourn this, and we have indicated that our preference would be to do this first. Unit Titles needs to be passed because of-
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