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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 2 Hansard (1 March) . . Page.. 497 ..
Clause 93, as amended, agreed to.
Clauses 94 to 103, by leave, taken together and agreed to.
Clause 104.
MR STEFANIAK (Minister for Education and Attorney-General) (3.52): I thought Mr Stanhope might bounce up on this one, because both Mr Stanhope's amendment and my amendment to this clause are the same. I move amendment No 23 circulated in my name, and indeed in Mr Stanhope's too [see schedule 1 at page 523].
Amendment agreed to.
Clause 104, as amended, agreed to.
Clauses 105 and 106, by leave, taken together and agreed to.
Clause 107.
MR STANHOPE (Leader of the Opposition) (3.53): In relation to the previous matter and by way of explanation, as Mr Stefaniak indicated, I did speak to each of these matters in the in-principle debate, and drew attention to some concerns the Labor Party had about a proposal that acts would be amended by the Parliamentary Counsel's Office in relation to a range of matters that may have been prescribed in regulations. We have just actually removed that possibility. The Attorney has moved an amendment that mirrored one I had foreshadowed, and so we are pleased to see that happen.
I am thinking aloud here now. The amendment that I have now proposed, my amendment No 7, is similar to the proposal that you, Mr Attorney, have made in relation to this. My amendment would prevent the Parliamentary Counsel from delegating his power to make editorial changes to law to a public servant. I think, just from memory-I am just trying to catch up-your amendment, Mr Attorney, actually allows him to delegate it just to his deputy.
MR STEFANIAK (Minister for Education and Attorney-General) (3.54): To help Mr Stanhope out, Mr Speaker, my amendment enables Parliamentary Counsel to delegate his power under that part to a deputy parliamentary counsel. Obviously, the Parliamentary Counsel might be sick, might not be able to do it and-
Mr Stanhope: I will not proceed with my amendment, Mr Speaker.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you.
MR STEFANIAK: I thank Mr Stanhope for that. In that case, Mr Speaker, I move amendment No 24 circulated in my name, which I indicated enables the Parliamentary Counsel to delegate his powers to a deputy parliamentary counsel, which I think is most appropriate [see schedule 1 at page 523].
Amendment agreed to.
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