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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 1 Hansard (15 February) . . Page.. 213 ..

MR RUGENDYKE: I seek leave to say a few words on this issue, Mr Speaker.

Leave granted.

MR RUGENDYKE: It is no surprise that my view on poker machines in this city is that there are far too many. We need to make sure that there is no expansion of machines in the ACT. Since the committee conducted its inquiry in 1999, I have become more firmly of the belief that poker machines are a blight on our community and that we should do everything we can to make them less attractive to people and to make them unavailable to other premises or places in our fine city.

I support the recommendations in the committee's report and put firmly on the record my total abhorrence for these insidious things.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Urban Services-Standing Committee

Report No 22

Debate resumed from 20 April 1999, on motion by Mr Hird:

That the report be noted.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Chief Minister's Portfolio-Standing Committee

Public Accounts Report No 17

Debate resumed from 12 April 1999, on motion by Mr Quinlan:

That the report be noted.

MR QUINLAN (10.59), in reply: This report relates to 1997-98. You would have to say, "Those were the days." According to this report, the International Hotel School will be breaking even by the year 2001; the government's total commitment for funding for Bruce Stadium is $12.3 million; CanDeliver's result is considered acceptable and CanDeliver is expected to be in profit tomorrow; InTACT will be profitable in the near future; the government will provide $200 million to superannuation funding over the next four years; and Canberra Hospital cost overruns only reflect increases in patient throughput. As I said, those were the days.

The government's response to a number of these issues was that the Auditor-General did not issue a qualified audit opinion; therefore, everything was okay. It did not matter about the information content or the bottom line. We did not get a qualification.

MR HUMPHRIES (Chief Minister, Minister for Community Affairs and Treasurer): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to speak on this matter.

Leave granted.

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