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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2001 Week 1 Hansard (14 February) . . Page.. 166 ..
Question so resolved in the affirmative.
Bill, as amended, agreed to.
Postponement of notice
Ordered that consideration of private Members business, notice No 3, be postponed until after consideration of notice No 4, private Members business.
Personal explanation
MR HIRD: Mr Speaker, in accordance with standing order 46, I wish to make a personal explanation.
MR SPEAKER: Proceed.
MR HIRD: Earlier today I tabled a report from the Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Services on Draft Variation No 118 relating to the Yarralumla Brickworks being placed on the Heritage Places Register. I inadvertently misled the house when I said that the kiln was from Scotland rather than Staffordshire, England. It is a rare kiln and it was built in England. I apologise to the house.
Sitting suspended from 5.50 to 7.30 pm
Red Hill Housing Precinct-direction to Planning Authority
MR CORBELL (7.30): Mr Speaker, I move:
That pursuant to subsection 37(2) of the Land (Planning and Environment) Act 1991, the Legislative Assembly recommend to the Executive that the ACT Planning Authority be directed to implement policies which provide for a development intensity of not more than one dwelling on any block in the area known as the Red Hill Housing Precinct as described in Variation 114 Heritage Places Register-Red Hill Housing Precinct.
Mr Speaker, I am moving this motion this evening with a sense of both concern and frustration, and I am sure that there are a number of other members here this evening who share that frustration. On 28 June last year, I moved a motion in this place requesting that the Minister for Urban Services direct the ACT planning authority-that is, the Planning and Land Management Group-to review the Territory Plan insofar as it relates to the heritage precinct area of Old Red Hill to provide for a development intensity of no more than one dwelling on any block.
I was pleased, therefore, to see that the minister and the executive were prepared to issue such a direction following the recommendation by the Assembly. What I was not pleased about, Mr Speaker, was the outcome following that direction. Whilst the wording of the motion that this Assembly passed last year was very specific, in that it requested an outcome of no more than one dwelling per block, the review presented to the minister
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