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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 12 Hansard (6 December) . . Page.. 3778 ..

Mr Berry: Oh, don't be silly. You are reading into it something that's not there. Stop that nonsense.

MR HUMPHRIES: Well, you tell me what it does mean. What government services or activities could be transferred to Totalcare that would not be covered by your motion?

Mr Berry: Of course they could do building maintenance because they contract to do it.

MR HUMPHRIES: But it's not within the contract.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER (Mr Hird): Order! Mr Berry, you will have the right of reply.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Berry has shown a resistance on earlier occasions to accept the implications of things that he moves in this place. I ask him to think very carefully about this because on my reading of that motion it makes it perfectly clear that Totalcare would not be able to win a contract and accept a contract to provide services or to undertake new activities pursuant to a contract -

Mr Berry: That's rubbish.

MR HUMPHRIES: That's what the motion says.

Mr Berry: It does not.

MR HUMPHRIES: It says "no transfer of government assets, activities or services". If they win a government contract to provide services to government, they cannot do it without us coming back to the Assembly.

Mr Berry: I will explain what it means and then you can -

MR HUMPHRIES: Well, I am reading the simple words as they appear there.

Mr Berry: No, no; don't read into it what's not there.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker, all I can say is that if services by Totalcare to the ACT government -

Mr Berry: No, no.

MR HUMPHRIES: May I please be able to finish my sentence, Mr Temporary Deputy Speaker?

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Order! The Chief Minister has the call, Mr Berry.

MR HUMPHRIES: Services to ACT government. I assume he means services by government. I assume he doesn't mean the federal government; he means government of any description, including the ACT government. If services to ACT Housing are not services to government, therefore government services, then what are?

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