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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 12 Hansard (5 December) . . Page.. 3701 ..

MR SPEAKER: Speculation is not covered in question time, and it is certainly not covered in debate, otherwise we would not have much debate at all, I would suggest.

MR HUMPHRIES: No, Mr Speaker, indeed. What would we do without speculation in this place? It is our grist.

Finally I want to reflect on the comments made about Mr Moore. Mr Moore was described earlier in the debate as a man with no future, as a dead man walking. I have been around this place since the beginning, and I have to tell members who arrived here more recently that Mr Moore has been described as a dead man walking, or something similar, at every election in this territory since 1989.

So who knows, Mr Speaker? It might be that eventually Mr Moore does come a cropper at election. I am sure he would be the first to concede that, but for a dead man walking, Mr Speaker, he has this uncanny ability to keep on walking and walking, much to the regret, no doubt, of some of those opposite.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Would the ghost who walks, Mr Osborne, and Mr Rugendyke, just keep their voices down, please?

MR QUINLAN (9.04): To satisfy the Chief Minister, I can happily deny that any polling done by the casino has been done on behalf of the Labor Party. I am aware, if you are not, Mr Humphries, that there are a number of bodies that do polling for business purposes and advise businesses. Without mentioning names, I can tell you that I have had another pollster in my office giving me the rundown on the ACT. Because the information is available, he might want to share it. He was doing it for business interests. Certainly no polling has been conducted by the casino on behalf on the ALP, at the behest of the ALP, or whatever.

Mr Humphries: So you are not doing polling at the moment?

MR QUINLAN: Are we not doing polling at the moment?

Mr Humphries: Yes. Is that what you are saying?

MR QUINLAN: That is not what I am saying at all.

Mr Humphries: So you are doing polling?

MR QUINLAN: No, I am not saying that either.

MR SPEAKER: Gentlemen, please! Relevance.


: There is one point I would like to make before we close on this issue. The term "monopoly, monopoly, monopoly" comes along. No individual club has a monopoly. Unless you live the very cloistered life of our chef friend over the way, Mr Humphries, you would know that there is very heavy competition between clubs. If you want to say that the clubs have a monopoly on poker machines, then you might say that taxis have a monopoly, because you have to have a licence to operate a taxi.

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