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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 12 Hansard (5 December) . . Page.. 3684 ..

MR HUMPHRIES: Subsection 30B(1) reads:

For the purposes of the definition of "club" in section 4, the purposes are recreation, the promotion of social, religious, political, literary, scientific, artistic, sporting or athletic purposes or purposes approved by the minister by instrument.

The act covers clubs which receive gaming machines. Clubs which do not have gaming machines are not covered by this legislation. I am happy to use the dinner break to tease out this issue, but my advice is that it is not necessary to say that "club" means a licensed club because that is already the effect of the definition in the Gaming Machine Act. I have an adviser present who can clarify that for members if they are not clear about it. If Mr Rugendyke holds off on his amendment until after dinner, I think that he will see that there is no need to define that any further because it is actually part of the act as it stands.

MR QUINLAN (6.29): Mr Speaker, there needs to be some clarification, for the purposes of this debate, arising out of the fact that the column "Associated Organisations" is defined in attachment 1A of the Gambling and Racing Commission's report as being non - eligible contributions.

Mr Humphries : Yes, but we have changed the definition with the guidelines that we have tabled. Those were the old arrangements and there are new arrangements coming down the line. They were not eligible before, but they will be eligible now in most, if not all, cases.

MR QUINLAN: Virtually everything on that list ends in the word "club".

Mr Humphries: No, they are the donors, not the donees. Those are the people making donations, not the people you are making donations to. Who would be giving money to the Southern Cross Club, for example?

MR QUINLAN: But some of the donees will be clubs.

Mr Humphries: Yes, but not the majority.

MR SPEAKER: Order! I think it is the wish of the Assembly to suspend for dinner. I suggest that this matter be discussed in the interim.

Mr Berry: No, I don't agree to that.

MR SPEAKER: There was an agreement that we suspend the sitting.

Mr Berry: No, there was not.

MR QUINLAN: Mr Speaker, I know that the government is happy to resolve Mr Rugendyke's problem over dinner. I wonder whether I could have sufficient indulgence to have my problem resolved over dinner as well.

MR SPEAKER: That would be perfectly in order.

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