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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 12 Hansard (5 December) . . Page.. 3621 ..

MR STANHOPE (continuing):

We have the government deciding what is a good community purpose and what is a less good community purpose. But any member of this community that belongs to a union and forms a club to further the purposes of the union or to further the interests of the members of that union who happen to be members of this community is for some reason less worthy than a member of the Canberra Club.

We have different levels and different interpretations of what is community and which members of the community we should embrace and support. But a unionist, a working man, is less worthy of this government's accolades and support than is a member of the Canberra Club, is less worthy than a member of the Canberra Southern Cross Club. If you are a member of a union, if you are a working man or woman in this town, you are not to be given the same level of respect, acknowledgment or support as someone who belongs to the Canberra Club, the Canberra Southern Cross Club or the Italo Australian Club.

That mob over there are telling us that there is no ideological imperative in this push or in these amendments. Mr Moore will be moving amendments designed to attack organisations in this town that were formed by working men and women to further the interests of working men and women, namely and in particular the Tradies Club. Of course, this ideological push catches up and embraces the Labor Party.

I suppose we should not be surprised that Mr Moore - this born - again Liberal, the Manager of Government Business, the brains trust within the government - should seek to punish the Liberal Party's opponents within this territory by imposing through his amendments an extra levy or pain on the Labor Club or on the Tradies Club. Mr Moore sits there feigning innocence and pretends that there is no ideology, no politics or no vile purpose in his amendments.

Then we come to this question of conflict of interest. This whole suite of amendments or changes to the way in which clubs operate in the ACT is revealed as nothing but a crass political attack by the Labor Party's political opponents and enemies on the Labor Party. It is all designed to achieve an advantage for the Liberal Party by seeking to undermine a source of support for the Labor Party and its affiliated unions. We see it exposed for what it is. It is exposed for its smelly purpose. This government is prepared to attack the entire licensed club movement in the ACT for the single purpose, now revealed in Mr Moore's amendments, of attacking the Labor Party and its affiliated unions.

This is a political stunt dressed up as some sermon for advancing their own definition of community purpose or community benefit and denies absolutely and in a most insulting way why it was that the licensed clubs were formed in the first place. They were formed, almost invariably, by volunteer members of organisations and associations, designed to advance a community purpose and to provide support for members of the community. Most people do not go to licensed clubs to play poker machines or gamble. They go to licensed clubs because of the sense of community that emanates from them. I know. As an example, one of the highlights of the week for my parents - in - law, both of whom are in now in their mid - 80s, is visiting the Canberra Southern Cross Club. It is an enormous community benefit or support which that club provides to people like my parents - in - law. It is the major outing of their week. It is the event of the week they look forward to most.

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