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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 12 Hansard (5 December) . . Page.. 3616 ..

MR BERRY: Mr Moore interjects, "No, it is not." Then why is it, Mr Moore, that in the amendments you foreshadowed you require those clubs that make a political donation to a party to -

Mr Moore: Make a dollar - for - dollar donation.

MR BERRY: That is right. It becomes a dollar - for - dollar donation to charities. You say that is not an attack -

Mr Moore: It is not an attack on the clubs.

MR BERRY: This is a political and ideological position, Mr Moore. It surprises me, Mr Moore, if you could ever find the spirit of honesty, that you would not apply that to other political donations from businesses to your Liberal mates. No, you would not do that, would you?

Mr Moore: Everywhere there is a privileged position.

Mr Stanhope: Are you going to accept our amendment to apply it to the Liberal Party's donors?

MR BERRY: That is what is going to happen. We are going to come forward with a requirement that every political donation, to be lawful, has to have an equal donation to a charity. That is what is going to happen. How is that going to go down? We are going to oppose your amendment, because it is ideological, but if it gets up that is what we are going to do, and you can oppose it. We can look through the list of people who have given you massive donations - FAI, which gave you several thousand dollars in the wake of a huge tax waiver, and three quarters of a million dollars on the Waldorf Apartments. They will have to double that.

Mr Osborne: Casino Canberra.

MR BERRY: Mr Osborne interjects something about Casino Canberra. If anybody has been offered a donation by Casino Canberra in relation to poker machines -

Mr Osborne: It is the Liberal Party.

MR BERRY: They have been given one, have they?

Mr Osborne: Yes, $15,000.

MR BERRY: If it is $15,000, they will have to double it. If there are any strings attached to that $15,000 donation, you ought to report it to the police.

Mr Osborne: Talk more about your amendments. We are interested.

MR BERRY: That includes any donations you get too, Mr Osborne. Any political donations will have to be doubled.

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