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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 11 Hansard (30 November) . . Page.. 3570 ..

"78  Gas connection service

A gas supplier must, on application by a person, and in accordance with the supplier's standard customer contract, request a gas distributor to-

(a) connect the premises to which the application relates to the distributor's network; or

(b) vary the capacity of the connection between the premises to which the application relates and the distributor's network.

Note  The gas distributor to whom the request is made generally must connect the applicant's premises to the distributor's network, or vary the capacity of the connection. See section 30A (Special conditions-gas distribution).".

Clause 79, page 38, line 19, omit the clause, substitute the following clause:

"79  Gas supply service

(1)   A gas supplier must, on application by a person, and in accordance with the supplier's standard customer contract, supply gas through a gas distribution network to premises owned or occupied by the person.

(2)   This section does not apply to the supply of gas to premises for a non-franchise customer.".

Clause 92, page 43, line 31, subclause (2), omit the subclause, substitute the following subclause:

"(2)   The contract is unenforceable by the utility to the extent (if any) to which it is inconsistent with-

(a) the conditions of the utility's licence; or

(b) the requirements imposed by or under this Act or a related law, including in particular, the requirements of each industry code or technical code that is applicable.".

Clause 98, page 47, line 8, subclause (1), omit the subclause, substitute the following subclause:

"(1)   A utility may impose a charge (a capital contribution charge ) payable by customers for the development or augmentation of its network for the following purposes:

(a) making utility services available to parcels of land not already connected to a network;

(b) varying the capacity of connections to its network.

New clauses-

Page 56, line 25, after clause 117 insert the following new clauses in the Bill:

" '17A Clarifying ownership of certain network facilities

(1)   The purpose of this section is to remove uncertainty about the ownership of network facilities that-

(a) are used, or for use, by a utility or a subsidiary of the utility in providing a utility service; and

(b) are treated by the Territory and the utility or subsidiary as being owned by the utility or subsidiary; and

(c) are affixed to land owned or occupied by a person other than the utility or subsidiary.

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