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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 11 Hansard (28 November) . . Page.. 3331 ..

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 62, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 63.

MR SMYTH (Minister for Urban Services) (5.11): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move amendments Nos 12 to 14 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

MR SMYTH: I move:

No 12-

Page 26, line 28, paragraph (3) (b), omit "57 (b)", substitute "57 (b) or (c)".

No 13-

Page 26, line 30, paragraph (3) (c), omit the paragraph.

No 14-

Page 27, line 4, subclause (4), omit the subclause, substitute the following subclause:

"(4)   If the dog was seized because of an act or omission that is an offence against this Act, the registrar must release the dog if-

(a) 28 days have elapsed since the commission of the offence and a prosecution has not been begun for the offence; or

(b) an infringement notice has been served for the offence and the infringement notice penalty has been paid; or

(c) a prosecution for the offence was begun within 28 days after the commission of the offence and-

(i) the prosecution is discontinued; or

(ii) the keeper has been convicted or found guilty of the offence and the keeper has not been disqualified from keeping the dog, any dog, a dog of that kind or any animal.".

I have already spoken to these amendments.

Amendments agreed to.

Clause 63, as amended, agreed to.

Clause 64.

Amendment (by Mr Smyth ) agreed to:

No 15-

Page 27, line 25, subclause (4), omit the subclause. substitute the following subclause:

"(4)   If the dog was seized under section 59 because of an act or omission that is an offence against this Act, the registrar must release the dog if-

(a) 28 days have elapsed since the commission of the offence and a prosecution has not been begun for the offence; or

(b) an infringement notice has been served for the offence and the infringement notice penalty has been paid; or

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