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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 10 Hansard (18 October) . . Page.. 3232 ..



These sites are based on speed-related crash history over the past two years, 1997 and 1998, (fatalities also include most recent figures of Jan-Jun 1999) and current speed surveys. Their speed limits have been independently reviewed in accordance with national standards and best practice.

The locations will, of course, be regularly reviewed and updated, with roads and sites being added or changed to ensure that the speed camera program clearly targets road safety enforcement in current problem areas.

current 2-year

speed limit crash history

Adelaide Avenue-

Hopetoun Cct to Kent St 80 1 fatal, 6 serious

Antill St-

Northbourne Ave to Federal Hwy 60 & 80 1 fatal, 3 serious

Athllon Drive-

Beasley St to Sulwood Drive 80 1 fatal, 8 serious

Belconnen Way-

between Barry and Coulter Drives 80 2 fatal, 6 serious

Bowen Drive-

between Brisbane and Kings Avenues 70 5 serious

Coppins Crossing Road-

Uriarra Rd to William Hovell Drive 80 1 fatal, 5 serious

Drakeford Drive-

between Sulwood and Athllon Drives 80 1 fatal, 1 serious

Erindale Drive-

Sulwood Drive to Sternberg Cresc 80 8 serious

Florey Drive-

between Southern Cross and Ginninderra Drives 60 1 fatal

Ginninderra Drive-

between Tillyard and Kingsford Smith Drives 80 1 fatal, 2 serious

between Ellenborough and Tucker Streets 80 1 fatal, 1 serious

Gungahlin Drive-

between Wells Station and Gundaroo Drives 80 2 fatal

Hindmarsh Drive-

Dalrymple St to Jerrabomberra Ave 80 1 fatal, 6 serious

between Athllon and Melrose Drives 60 1 fatal, 2 serious

Kingsford Smith Drive-

Kuringa Drive to Spalding St 70 1 fatal

Lady Demnan Drive-

Cotter Rd to Barrenjoey Drive 70 6 serious

Long Gully Road-

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