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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 9 Hansard (7 September) . . Page.. 3112 ..

MR QUINLAN (continuing):

Jim Murphy's Market Cellars is also on the list. There is not really much association there-CanTrade! And Jim has been known to come out and support Kate in public. We are talking about hypocrisy here. The list also includes Casino Canberra-this is a point disputed by Mr Humphries earlier today-with $15,000.

Mr Osborne: It is still well short of $600,000, though.

MR QUINLAN: I just want to know what your price is. It would seem to be a case of name your price.

The point needs to be made that the Liberal Party received very significant cash support from the 250 Club, a group of anonymous people from the business world. The commonsense point at the bottom of this is that this small Assembly-

Members interjecting-

MR SPEAKER: Order! One at a time, thank you.

MR QUINLAN: It is plainly ridiculous to say that some members on this side of the house should abstain from voting on important questions. This would totally unbalance the whole joint because out of 17 members we number six. But the Liberal Party can quite happily receive support from business. It can make decisions and be involved in decisions every day on matters like payroll tax relief, which affects business.

Mr Humphries: Only below $10,000.

MR QUINLAN: But you have an association.

Mr Humphries: Look at the amendment-below $10,000.

MR QUINLAN: I am not talking about $10,000. I am just talking about whether you would want to cultivate, curry favour, with business. You receive as much money in support as we do but you just receive it from a different-

Mr Stanhope: We will be amending it down to a thousand.

Mr Humphries: Look at the amendment-it is a $10,000 threshold.

Mr Berry: We are amending it down to one.

Mr Humphries: Oh are you?

MR QUINLAN: Yes, we will take it down.

Mr Humphries: You have got the numbers, have you?

Mr Stanhope: I am sure we will have. I am sure Michael will support us.

Mr Humphries: Not on the record of the last few days you wouldn't.

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