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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 9 Hansard (7 September) . . Page.. 3092 ..

MR STEFANIAK (continuing):

DNA testing is a revolutionary procedure. It is something that will clear up a lot of serious crime, not just in the ACT but throughout Australia. It will be a very powerful tool in the armoury of the law enforcement agencies. I think that a vast majority of the citizens of Australia will welcome its introduction. It is something that really will protect the community.

I am not going to talk about the amendments being sought; my colleague the Attorney-General will do that. I would certainly caution the ALP and Ms Tucker to exercise extreme care here. It is important not to water down good, sensible, solid legislation like this which the community certainly wants to see introduced.

I am especially intrigued by the argument about buccal swabs. I will read out a part of the Attorney's tabling speech on that because it is terribly important. He said:

The Government has decided that it is appropriate to categorise the taking of a buccal swab as a non-intimate forensic procedure and in this way the Government's Bill departs from the Model Bill-

there are very good reasons for that-

...a buccal swab is a simple procedure in which cells from the inside of the cheek are collected using a swab similar to a large cotton bud. It is a simple and basically painless procedure which can be performed by the person being tested if that person wishes-none of the person's clothing needs to be removed.

I was hoping that Mr Smyth would be sitting next to me because I was going to demonstrate something, but the method of testing required under this legislation is so simple that even the persons themselves can do it. I have not got an actual swab with me, but I have a roll of paper around a pen which I am now putting in my mouth. There we go; I have just taken a buccal swab. How simple is that? It is totally painless. What on earth is wrong with that?

Mr Humphries: It looks silly, actually.

MR STEFANIAK: It probably looks silly, Mr Humphries, but I am making a point. I will not have to keep this one, so I will throw it away. It was an utterly painless, utterly simple procedure. What was intrusive about that? It is absolute nonsense to say that it is. I think it is time the Labor Party and the Greens got a bit more fair dinkum about law and order.

This legislation is sensible. There are significant safeguards in it. I think that it is rather counterproductive for them to try to water it down. It is a very important crime prevention tool for our police force. It is well and truly welcomed by the vast majority of citizens in Canberra and Australia generally. I welcome it and I look forward to a lot of serious crime being solved as a result of having it. I would expect that a number of people who have not committed the crimes they are suspected of committing will be absolved as a result of this legislation. I commend the Attorney for bringing it in and look forward to its implementation in our territory. We will be living in a safer place as a result.

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