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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2841 ..

Tender pricing data is critically important, confidential information. Such information must not be provided to or shared with any person not charged with the task of tender evaluation or making decisions on tenders.

While an ACT Government agency is undertaking a tender evaluation, Ministers and Assembly Members, or their staffs should not be briefed on the details of the tender evaluation, and should be provided with courteous response to their enquiries, that in the interests of maintaining the highest possible levels of probity, no information can be given until the tender process is completed.

It may be necessary to advise Ministers of tenders under evaluation and progress with tender evaluation in order that they can avoid perceptions of conflict of interest arising through meetings or discussions with tenderers. This instruction is not intended to inhibit the provision of advice on progress with the assessment of tenders.


2.1 Purchasing Policy Statement

The ACT Government aims to actively develop long term business

relationships with suppliers with a view to maximising benefits to the

ACT Government and the Australian Capital Region suppliers and the


2.2 Policy Objectives

The objectives of the policy are aimed at:

� ensuring that local (Australian Capital Region) suppliers are given the opportunity to compete for ACT Government business;

� improving purchasing practices throughout Government agencies;

� establishing and maintaining effective business relationships between agencies and industry; and

� facilitating improved delivery of services to the community.

2.3 ACT Purchasing Principles

The principles underlying the ACT Purchasing Policy provide an operational framework for ACT Government agencies. The six principles for Government purchasing are:

� obtain value for money in purchasing activities;

� operate in an environment of open and effective competition;

� maintain probity, ethical behaviour;

� consider environmental issues;

� maximise opportunities for local suppliers to offer goods and services; and

� manage risks associated with the purchasing process.

2.4 Other Government Policy Requirements

Agencies also need to be conscious of other purchasing related policies, legislation and inter-government agreements which support particular Government objectives and impact on the ACT Purchasing Policy framework.

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