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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2837 ..

1999 1. 4 buses Keirs No Best value for money

6 times criterion not met.

a day ACTION

provided a

2. 1 bus written quote

5 times

a day

3. 2 buses

7 times

a day

Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 1. 4 buses Keirs No Best value for money

2 times criterion not met.

a day


2. 2 buses provided a

5 times written quote

a day

3. 2 buses

5 times

a day.

4. 2 buses

5 times

a day

Department of Education and Community Services

ACT Government School Usage

Year Total Who provided Open Why ACTION was not

number the service Tender selected

1998 Approx- Transborder No Schools select on the basis

70 hirings Keirs of availability, reliability,

are made Deanes flexibility of pick up and

each day National drop off times, and cost

between Charter of transfers

Govt Grand

schools and Touring

individual ACTION

bus Canberra

companies Sightseeing

1999 Approx Transborder No Schools select on the basis

70 hirings Keirs of availability, reliability,

are made Deanes flexibility of pick up and

each day National drop off times, and cost

between Charter of transfers

Govt Grand

schools and Touring

individual ACTION

bus Canberra

companies Sightseeing

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