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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2792 ..

MR RUGENDYKE (5.52): The first amendment is to take into consideration multiple births, as we discussed earlier. It appears that the second and third amendments are simply a recasting of the way it came out. I have no problem with them.

Amendments (Mr Stanhope's ) to Mr Rugendyke's amendments agreed to.

Amendments (Mr Rugendyke's ), as amended, agreed to

MR STANHOPE (Leader of the Opposition) (5.53): I move:

No 7-

Page 9, line 2, after the proposed new section 11 insert the following new section:

" '11A Multiple births

'(1) This section applies if a child for whom an application for a parentage order has been made has a living birth sibling.

'(2) The Supreme Court may make a parentage order about the child only if it also makes a parentage order about each living birth sibling of the child.".

Mr Speaker, this amendment goes to the issue we have already debated and agreed on: multiple births. It provides that the Supreme Court may make a parentage order about the child only if it also makes a parentage order about each living birth sibling of the child. It is an amendment that is consequent on the issue that was previously debated and on which the Assembly has previously agreed.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 9, as amended, agreed to.

Remainder of bill, by leave, taken as a whole and agreed to.

Clause 9-Recommittal.

MR STANHOPE (Leader of the Opposition) (5.55): Pursuant to standing order 187, I move:

That clause 9, as amended, be recommitted.

I am proposing to move an amendment to insert a new subsection in clause 9.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

MR STANHOPE (Leader of the Opposition) (5.56): I move:

Clause 9, page 6, line 16, insert the following new subsection:

" '(2) This Division applies to the child only if the child's substitute parents live in the Territory.".

Mr Speaker, this amendment provides that the parentage order provisions of the Artificial Conception Act, which we have been debating today, will apply to children only if the substitute parents of those children live in the ACT.

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