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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (31 August) . . Page.. 2742 ..

Mr Corbell: No, you haven't. What about the 2 February document?

MR HUMPHRIES: I explained yesterday why Mr Corbell did not receive the documents, because the paper-

Mr Corbell: What about the 2 February document?

MR SPEAKER: I warn you, Mr Corbell.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Corbell, listen. Listen, for goodness sake. You have talked the whole time that I have been trying to give you an answer. Listen for an instant. The documents that you sought were searched for on the file, the physical file. They opened the file and looked in the file. There was one document there on the file.

Mr Corbell: No, there wasn't.


Mr Berry: Yesterday another written document was produced. How do you explain that?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, as I recall the advice given to me, there was one document on the file. That document was provided to Mr Corbell. Subsequently there were nine other documents supplied to Mr Corbell under his FOI request, as I recall. Eight of those were emails. You say there were 10 emails. All right, my advice is there were eight emails and Mr Corbell says there were 10. Fair enough. There were 10 emails, so Mr Corbell tells me, plus there was a further document, the one that Mr Corbell tabled yesterday, which was not on the same file.

Mr Corbell: Oh, you didn't look in the right one.

MR HUMPHRIES: It was on a different file because it related to a different matter, Mr Speaker. It was a matter dealing with studies for infill sites. It was not on a file relating to ovals.

Mr Corbell: Oh, come on. You have to be joking.

MR HUMPHRIES: It was. Mr Speaker, I think I've got to deal with Mr Corbell. I don't think I will answer any more questions on this subject. I think Mr Corbell should go straight to the horse's mouth. Mr Corbell thinks that I am telling fibs when I tell him that (a) I did not look at the file, and (b) that there were no other documents on the file. He should go straight to the horse's mouth and get the members of the public service who dealt with those files before a committee that he is on, ask them those questions and judge for himself by the way that they respond to his questions as to whether they are telling lies or not. I have told this Assembly what they have told me. If Mr Corbell does not believe that he should get those public servants before a committee he sits on and ask those questions of them himself.

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