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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2592 ..

MR SPEAKER: Mr Rugendyke, please try to confine yourself to the amendment that you are moving. We are drifting over into tennis at this point.

MR RUGENDYKE: I beg your pardon, Mr Speaker. Am I able to continue to address the bill as a whole?


MR RUGENDYKE: Okay. In reference to my amendment No 1 then, Mr Speaker-

Mr Moore: Mr Speaker, I raise a point of order on your ruling. I hate to take Mr Rugendyke's side, but the point he was making was that pitch invasion is something we have to guard against, and he used the example of Monica Seles.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Moore, I have been following Mr Rugendyke's comments. He was in order up until he started talking about tennis, but he then asked me whether he could address the bill as a whole, and the answer to that is that he cannot. He can address the amendment that he is moving.

MR RUGENDYKE: I do apologise, Mr Speaker. My amendment No 1 identifies pitch invasion. We are familiar with the incident when a pitch invader disrupted the Socceroos' World Cup qualifier against Israel a few years ago. He ran onto the field at a crucial time, dismantled the net and held up the game for a considerable period. This was the same person who strolled onto the Flemington racetrack during the Melbourne Cup. We have to be prepared for similar antics in Canberra.

I use these two examples-Monica Seles and the clown from the World Cup qualifier-to indicate the need for my amendment No 1, which creates the specific offence of what is known as pitch invasion, and I would encourage members to support it.

Proposed new clause agreed to.

Clause 15.

MR RUGENDYKE (6.00): Mr Speaker, I move:

No 2-

Page 7, line 9, omit the clause, substitute the following clause:

"15 Interference with an event

A person must not, in an Olympic venue-

(a) behave in a way reasonably likely to cause serious alarm, affront or embarrassment to someone else; or

(b) use indecent, offensive, insulting or threatening language; or

(c) behave in an offensive, insulting, intimidating or harassing manner; or

(d) injure or damage a person or property; or

(e) engage in violent behaviour; or

(f) disrupt, interfere with, delay or obstruct the conduct of an Olympic event, or an activity associated with the event, by throwing anything; or

(g) in any other way-

(i) disrupt, interfere with, delay or obstruct the conduct of an Olympic event or an activity associated with the event; or

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