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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2574 ..

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Stanhope says that the information was derisory. If he considered that it was derisory, he should have written back to me and said that he wanted more information.

Mr Stanhope: I did.

MR HUMPHRIES: I have no copy of your letter, Mr Stanhope. You wrote to me after 13 February, did you?

Mr Stanhope: I certainly did, twice.

MR HUMPHRIES: Twice after that? So you wrote a total of four letters, did you?

Mr Stanhope: I would say most certainly yes, I think that is possibly right.

MR HUMPHRIES: I am sorry, Mr Stanhope, but I do not have any copies-

Mr Stanhope: They disappear into a void. When something goes to your office, Attorney, often it never sees the light of day.

MR HUMPHRIES: I have tabled my correspondence to you. Will you now table in this place your correspondence to me?

Mr Stanhope: I do not have it here.

MR HUMPHRIES: You will have plenty of time. This debate will go on for some time. I suggest that you go and get it.

Mr Stanhope: We could adjourn it for a week, perhaps, to see whether we have actually got a pitch out at Bruce.

MR HUMPHRIES: You can change the subject if you want to, Mr Stanhope.

MR SPEAKER: Order, please! Would the two of you stop scrapping.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I have received letters from Mr Stanhope and I have replied twice to Mr Stanhope to those letters. If Mr Stanhope says that there are further letters that he has written to me since February of this year, I would ask him to table those further letters. I do not have any record of any further letters from Mr Stanhope, but I am willing to see him table those letters and prove me wrong in that matter. I believe that I have replied fully to all the things Mr Stanhope has raised with me.

On the issue of the area that the legislation will cover, I am happy to indicate to members that I have a copy of a map which indicates with a yellow line which area will be covered by the legislation at Bruce Stadium. I will not table this map or incorporate it in Hansard, but I invite members to peruse it if they wish to have further information about that.

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