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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 8 Hansard (29 August) . . Page.. 2552 ..

Mr Humphries (continuing):

Supplementary determination of fees and charges applicable in the lower courts and tribunals incorporating explanatory statements-Instrument No 208 of 2000 (No 26, dated 29 June 2000).

Occupational Health and Safety Act-Appointment of Occupational Health and Safety Commissioner-Instrument No 221 of 2000 (No 27, dated 6 July 2000).

Optometrists Act-Determination of fees-Instrument No 242 of 2000 (No 29, dated 20 July 2000).

Parole Act-Appointment of Chairperson of the Parole Board of the ACT-Instrument No 273 of 2000 (No 32, dated 10 August 2000).

Pharmacy Act-Determination of fees-Instrument No 271 of 2000 (No 31, dated 3 August 2000).

Poisons Act-Declaration of restricted substances-Instrument No 276 of 2000 (No 33, dated 17 August 2000).

Public Health Act-Public Health Risk (Boarding Houses) (No 2) Declaration 2000-Instrument No 272 of 2000 (No 31, dated 3 August 2000).

Public Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1997-Notice of commencement (28 August 2000) of PART II (No 33, dated 17 August 2000).

Public Place Names Act-

Determination of public place nomenclature-Campbell-Instrument No 241 of 2000 (No 28, dated 13 July 2000).

Determination of street nomenclature-Russell-Instrument No 256 of 2000 (No 30, dated 27 July 2000).

Determination of street nomenclature-Pialligo-Instrument No 257 of 2000 (No 30, dated 27 July 2000).

Determination of street nomenclature-Nicholls-Instrument No 266 of 2000 (No 31, dated 3 August 2000).

Determination of street nomenclature-Gordon-Instrument No 267 of 2000 (No 31, dated 3 August 2000).

Public Trustee Act-Determination of fees-Instrument No 197 of 2000 (No 26, dated 29 June 2000).

Rates and Land Rent (Relief) Act-Notice fixing rates of interest-Instrument No 245 of 2000 (S37, dated 13 July 2000).

Rates and Land Tax Act-Determinations of interest rates-Instruments Nos 244 and 246 of 2000 (S37, dated 13 July 2000).

Registration of Deeds Act-Determination of fees-Instrument No 200 of 2000 (No 26, dated 29 June 2000).

Road Transport (Driver Licensing) Act and Road Transport (General) Act-Road Transport Legislation Regulations Amendment-Subordinate Law 2000 No 32 (S40, dated 1 August 2000).

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