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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 7 Hansard (10 July) . . Page.. 2438 ..

MR HUMPHRIES: It was blocking supply, that is right. Blocking the budget was blocking supply. That was the view of the then Labor government.

Mr Quinlan: Did the opposition vote for the budget in the lower house in 1975?

MR HUMPHRIES: It did not matter, because it blocked the budget.

Mr Quinlan: Oh, it doesn't suit the parallel you are building!

MR SPEAKER: Order, please! This is a very interesting academic debate, but we have work to do. Would members please desist from interjecting.

MR HUMPHRIES: If the opposition wants to go forth in this town and say, "Had the Fraser opposition of 1975 actually rejected the Labor Party's budget outright, we would have been happy chappies, but the fact that they only stalled it without voting on it was what really made everyone really cross at that time," it is a very interesting line and I wish you the best of luck in selling it out in the community, but I am not convinced.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, I think you have some amendments to move, have you not?

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes, I do, Mr Speaker. I ask for leave to move together amendments 3, 4 and 1 circulated in my name.

Leave granted.


Proposed expenditure, as amended-Total appropriated to departments, $1,159,399,000 (net cost of outputs), $181,157,000 (capital injection) and $301,728,000 (payments on behalf of the Territory), totalling $1,642,284,000.

No. 3. Page 5, Total amounts appropriated to departments, omit from the table of appropriations the total amounts appropriated to departments, substitute the following:

"Total appropriated to departments





Proposed expenditure, as amended-Total appropriations, $1,159,399,000 (net cost of outputs), $181,157,000 (capital injection) and $301,728,000 (payments on behalf of the Territory), totalling $1,658,684,000.

No. 4. Page 5, Total amounts appropriated, omit from the table of appropriations the total amounts of appropriations, substituting the following:

"Total appropriations





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