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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 7 Hansard (29 June) . . Page.. 2321 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (continuing):

proceed. Rather than pay compensation, simply hand out compensation to a developer who had to walk away from the development, we exchanged the land at Dunlop for a new lot of land at, I think, Nicholls, in Gungahlin. We had to continue the joint venture model there because that was the basis for providing the land at Dunlop. We had no choice about that.

Mr Berry: No, of course not.

MR HUMPHRIES: There was no complaint from the Labor Party when we did that, as I recall. The fact is that all the joint ventures that are now causing the government problems, such as Harcourt Hill and others that have been a serious financial drain on the ACT, were all established by Labor. Every single one of them.

Don't tell us what a disaster joint ventures have been. We know all about that. We are picking up the pieces from your mismanagement of that area.

Mr Berry: I will have a bit to say on that in a minute.

MR HUMPHRIES: By all means, do, Mr Berry. I look forward to seeing you defend your position.

Mr Hargreaves made a series of sweeping statements about the budget: this is wrong, that is wrong, this is a disaster, that has to go. I wonder if anyone on the opposition benches is actually tallying up all the sweeping statements Mr Hargreaves is making, and wondering whether one day those statements are going come back to haunt this opposition.

I will give you one small example. Mr Hargreaves has condemned the way that the speed cameras operate in this town. They are a disaster, they are just nothing more than a revenue-raising exercise. The government has this completely wrong. What would Labor do if it happened to fall into government next October? What would it actually do with speed cameras? Get rid of them? Change the colour of the van? What would it actually do with them? It is on record as condemning this exercise, but have you thought, Mr Berry, how you are going to fix the legacy Mr Hargreaves has left for you in terms of condemning these speed cameras?

Mr Berry: I am more worried about the legacies you are going to leave us.

MR HUMPHRIES: I thought you'd be thinking of something else on that subject-

MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Humphries, will you not seek interjections and then seek protection? Address the chair.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Deputy Speaker, all I can say is that I wonder if those opposite have thought about just what all those criticisms add up to at the end of the day. I can tell you we are going to have a fun time, if we ever find ourselves in that position, quoting back the statements of certain members of the Assembly, and Mr Hargreaves will be one of them.

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