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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 6 Hansard (25 May) . . Page.. 1782 ..

clear that we preferred option 3 (map enclosed) which had links to Barrie Drive and to Caswell Drive, now known as the eastern route-the government's preferred route. This pre-dates the present discussion by 4 years.

In response to the question "Do we feel any pressure to lobby for a transport corridor and a particular route?" The answer is Yes! That pressure is coming from the very vocal and in our view unbalanced lobby being put forward by the "Save the Ridge" group. It was because of the concerted effort by this group that we became worried that implementation of a suitable transport corridor for Gungahlin/North Canberra would be hijacked. We had already seen evidence of this at the Maunsell Workshops which is why we invited you to attend our meeting and why we asked assistance on how to run a campaign. This is surely our right. We appreciate your assistance in this matter. We have begun to feel that you are the only politician listening to our concerns.

I object to the notion that somehow the Greens, namely Ms Kerry Tucker can ask me to come into her office to discuss my choice in favour of the Eastern Route for the Gungahlin extension while you are called into question for "influencing" this community. Ms Tucker was clearly trying to influence me to change my mind. Her view was clearly against the eastern route and in favour of the Western route if there had to be a route. I call on those accusing you of improper conduct to apply the same rule to themselves or drop the charge.

Brendan, please continue to represent the interests of the Gungahlin people. Please do not allow members of the opposition to hijack the process which needs to be put in place in order that residents of Gungahlin be able to get to and from work in good time and reasonable safety.

May the Lord grant you wisdom and shrewdness of mind as you seek to serve others for the best in this lovely city of Canberra.

Yours sincerely

It is signed Roma Hosking, pastor of Cornerstone Christian Church and editor of Gunsmoke Newsletter.

Mr Speaker, this morning on the radio Mr Corbell got a run with his press release announcing this inquisition. I have a transcript of an article that ran on Canberra radio FM104 news-it says here-at 7.30 am on 25 May 2000. The header reads:

Labor's Simon Corbell will seek an inquiry into claims Urban Services Minister Brendan Smyth put pressure on the Gungahlin Community Council.

The transcript is as follows:


Labor's Simon Corbell this morning will ask the Legislative Assembly to consider setting up an inquiry into claims Urban Services Minister Brendan Smyth put pressure on the Gungahlin Community Council to change its position on the route of the Gungahlin Drive extension.

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