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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 6 Hansard (23 May) . . Page.. 1588 ..

Federal Highway. They will also be happy for another reason. This decision has enabled the ACT government to develop the largest road management plan which caters for the emerging transport needs of Gungahlin residents.

My colleague the Minister for Urban Services is today announcing a five-year $130 million program of improvements and extensions of transport links in Canberra to address traffic congestion and improve road safety. Many of those works will centre on access into and out of Gungahlin.

Design work will be funded in this budget for the duplication of Gungahlin Drive between Wells Station Road and the Barton Highway, the extension of Flemington Road and the extension of Gungahlin Drive. Construction of the Gungahlin Drive duplication and Flemington Road projects is expected in 2001. Subject to the outcome of planning considerations, construction will begin on the extension of Gungahlin Drive in 2001-2002. This project will take three years and will cost $32 million, and the road will be complete by 2004-2005. That is very good news for residents of Gungahlin, Mr Speaker.

Residents of Tuggeranong who battle peak-hour traffic on the two-lane section of Drakeford Drive between Taverner Street and Erindale Drive will be pleased to know that design work will begin on the duplication of this section of road, with construction to be completed during 2001. The second section of Drakeford Drive will be duplicated after that.

As part of the plan being announced by the Minister for Urban Services today, design and construction of other major projects will also be undertaken, including:

  • Horse Park Drive, from Gundaroo Drive to the Federal Highway, at a cost of $7 million; and

  • Morshead Drive and Pialligo Avenue duplication between Russell Drive and Canberra International Airport, costing $4 million and meaning dual carriageway from the city to the airport.

Mr Speaker, this plan represents the most concerted effort to plan for Canberra's future traffic needs since self-government. It also responds effectively to the very valid concerns expressed by the federal government that Canberra must plan its future road requirements. Of course, I expect Labor to oppose some of those works, but contrast this plan with what they did in government-no planning, no strategy and no decisions.

The government's commitment to transport does not end with building roads. The government will provide an additional $8.2 million in this budget for ACTION buses to meet revenue shortfalls and increased operating costs associated with a new bus network. This funding boost also recognises operational problems caused by high fuel prices.

Increases in government funding for public transport will not stop the government directing ACTION to increase its performance while reducing its costs, nor release any pressure on management and the union from achieving productivity savings; but this funding decision confirms the importance to the government and the community of an effective and efficient public transport system.

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