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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 5 Hansard (10 May) . . Page.. 1351 ..

MS CARNELL (continuing):

know how we can force a party with whom we deal-the contractor that is building the hospice or, for that matter, the International Touring Co-to release documents or contracts to which we are not signatories. And that is the issue here.

All the information but the insurance policy has been made available. The contract has been made available. The requirement of the International Touring Co to cover the ACT for various things has been made available. So why is it in the public interest to actually sight the insurance policy? I would have to say that if at some stage down the track the insurance company says, "No, we are not going to pay" that could be a different issue. But at the moment it is being assessed like any other insurance claim.

Mr Stanhope: Would you release it if it was in our name?

MS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, how often are you going to tell him?

MR SPEAKER: Order! I am getting very tired of this. This is not a court of law and if you do not behave yourself, I will name you.

Mr Stanhope: Well, if the Chief Minister will answer that question, Mr Speaker. Just on that point, Mr Speaker-

MR SPEAKER: I am sick of your interjections.

Mr Stanhope: If the Chief Minister answers that question, I would be totally satisfied.

Mr Humphries: Mr Stanhope has continually defied your rulings in the course of the day, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Indeed, and I am getting very tired of it.

Mr Humphries: That last interjection, or point of order, or whatever it was supposed to be, is an underlining of that fact.

MR SPEAKER: Do it again and we will set it in motion.

MS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, I cannot believe that Mr Stanhope, as a lawyer, could have put the last paragraph in his motion. (Further extension of time granted.) What he has asked for is a statement of claim and supporting documentation of the insurance claim for the concert-one that is, at this moment, with the insurance company to be assessed. I would like to be told how it would be in the public interest to table the claim that is being assessed-and obviously it is a holistic claim from ITC and BOPL. Everybody who has ever put in an insurance claim will know that you put in for things that you hope will be paid for.

Mr Stanhope: What are you trying to come at? What are you so desperate about?

MS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, what I am trying to do is take a reasonable approach to this. We have put in a holistic insurance claim that is between the touring company and BOPL. Obviously that insurance claim contains a large number of items which, to put it bluntly, will be negotiated, as is the case with any insurance claim.

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