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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 5 Hansard (10 May) . . Page.. 1348 ..

MR SPEAKER: Order, please.

MS CARNELL: They did take out the insurance policy and it has been sighted by BOPL, as was required in the contract. So the contract has been fulfilled.

Why wouldn't the International Touring Co want to release that insurance policy? I will tell you, and I have to say that Mr Stanhope knows because he has been told already. The reason is that the insurance policy does not just cover our concert, it covers the whole tour, as you would expect it to. Mr McManus was not going to go out and put in place a different insurance policy for every venue right around the country. So the insurance policy is for the tour as a whole. I have to say to Mr Stanhope, or maybe Mr Berry, that Mr McManus indicated in the letters that have been provided that he did not want to release that information because it did have particular information about performers and also particular information about his company and the business relating to the tour as a whole. So the reason he does not want to release it is not because of any funny business. It is that it is not just for our concert. It has business details-

Mr Berry: But it is our insurance policy, too. It is ours as well.

MS CARNELL: Mr Speaker, can I come back to it?


MS CARNELL: It is not our insurance policy. The insurance policy was signed by the International Touring Co and the insurer.

Mr Berry: And us.

MS CARNELL: No. There is no ACT signature on that policy.

Mr Berry: It is in our name, though.

MS CARNELL: There is no reason for there to be, because there is a requirement in our contract with the ITC for them to take out insurance, which they did and we sighted the policy. It is also required in the contract for that insurance policy to cover a number of things, which it does, as Mr Stanhope said.

Mr Kaine: How do you know that it does?

MS CARNELL: Because they have sighted it. It is required-

Mr Kaine: If you have sighted it, the Leader of the Opposition must have also.

MS CARNELL: Again, I have not sighted it. BOPL have sighted it, as is required in this document.

I just make the point that the contract is on the table and has been sighted by all members. If ITC had not taken out a policy to cover cancellation, rain, loss of profits, as is set out in the contract with them, in black and white that we can all see, then it is the International Touring Co that can be sued by us for not fulfilling the contract.

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