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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 5 Hansard (9 May) . . Page.. 1306 ..

MR SMYTH (continuing):

It is also recognised that education and community participation is critical to achieving no waste by 2010 strategy goals. Progress reports on the no waste by 2010 strategy will continue to be produced and issued annually to provide feedback to the community and to foster its continued support and participation.

The 1997 and 1999 reports were distributed to all Canberra households, while the 1998 report was available from shopfronts and libraries. In response to the 1998 progress report a suggestion was made by a Canberra resident regarding a community recycling day, and ACT Waste conducted a trial of the day. Trial results were positive and it is planned to develop the concept further.

ACT Waste engages specialist teachers and consultants to take education programs such as earthworks into the community. To maximise the effectiveness of the earthworks program it is being diversified. Open days have been and will continue to be regularly held to demonstrate composting, worm farming and associated activities. A business program is also being developed in order to target waste reduction and environmentally responsible practices in the commercial sector.

My department will continue to facilitate community consultation forums to promote greater participation in programs. Annual displays and promotions have been conducted at Floriade and to coincide with Recycling Week. It is planned to continue these types of promotional activities, targeted to specific wastes or messages. The schools program will be further developed and it is proposed to provide financial support to expand this program.

During 2000 my department will continue to progress the no waste infrastructure action plan. The resource recovery and transfer station at Mitchell will be progressed through a select tender process. It is also planned to conduct a feasibility study on the commercial viability of the Hume resource recovery estate during 2000.

A draft preliminary business plan has been developed for the No Waste Education Centre and it is proposed during this year to prepare a prospectus, seek funding from stakeholders and identify a potential operator with an established track record in environmental education. The No Waste Education Centre will provide an internationally recognised facility that will make available waste minimisation, recycling and resource recovery information to local, national and international organisations.

The establishment of a temporary resource recovery estate has been a response to new and inventive ideas proposed by small business enterprises from around the region. The cohabitation of businesses on the estate centralises and unifies recovery and value-adding industries. My department will establish an interdepartmental committee that will enable all government agencies to cooperate and assess programs such as eco-workplace, to help in reducing waste and enabling the ACT government to be leaders in waste minimisation.

It is planned to review the ACT government's purchasing policies to ensure that where price and performance are comparable, recycled products are given preference and that barriers to using recycled products are eliminated. Priority wastes identified by the ACT

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