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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 4 Hansard (30 March) . . Page.. 1209 ..


V8 Supercar Race

Government Appropriation of $7,000,000 is to go towards:

Recurrent Expenditure $2,500,000

Capital Expenditure $4,500,000

The CTEC Budget for the event is as follows:


Government Appropriation (Recurrent) $2,500,000

Own Source - Sponsorship $2,500,000

- Ticket Sales $2,100,000

- Rights & Licensing $400,000


Recurrent Expenditure

Track & Civil Works $1,040,650

Race Facilities $119,000

Hire of Fencing $175,700

Race Communications $193,000

Services $877,000

Transportable Buildings $100,000

Spectator & Corporate Facilities $1,300,000

Fitout and Entertainment $505,000

Event Promotion $350,000

Fees & Charges $1,409,000

Administration, Sponsorship & Ticketing $2,346,000


Capital Expenditure - First Year $4,500,000

(Includes purchase of concrete barriers, Track and Civil Works, 3 pedestrian overpasses, buying of fencing, signs and equipment)

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