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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 4 Hansard (30 March) . . Page.. 1140 ..

MR MOORE (continuing):

It offers public housing for low-income households, which is integrated in almost all suburbs (10% of households). 79% of the houses in Canberra are detached, 12% are semi-detached townhouses, and 8% are apartments.

The city has the highest workforce participation rate and the second lowest unemployment rate in the country (about 5.3%). Average weekly earnings are about $100 higher than the national average and there has been 5% growth in the economy over the past year.

Air and water quality is monitored regularly with the ACT's Greenhouse Strategy actively promoting initiatives for reducing greenhouse gases. The Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre is the city's major treatment plant - from here treated waste-water is discharged into natural waterways. The city is proud of its 98% participation rate for kerbside recycling and aims to meet its No Waste Strategy by 2010.

The ACT was the first jurisdiction to enact smoke-free legislation to reduce the harmful effects of cigarette smoke. Prostitution is legal but restricted to industrial areas. Our drug policy is based on harm minimisation and includes a needle exchange, supervised injecting room, and decriminalisation for the personal use of cannabis ($100 fine).

We then highlighted the health indicators for Canberra. ACT residents compare favourably with the Australian averages on all main health indicators. Cardiovascular disease and cancer are the main causes of death and disease in the ACT. It has the lowest infant mortality rate in Australia (3.8 per 1000 live births: Australian average 5.3%).

It has a higher than national average participation rate in organised sport (73% compared with the Australian average of 59%). 93% of children under 3 years of age are breastfed (Australian average is 86%). There are also high rates of immunisation for childhood diseases (89% of children under 12 months are fully immunised, compared to the Australian average of 86%).

Canberra's mortality rate is 10% lower than the Australian average (ACT: 5.4 deaths per 1000 people, Australia: 6.0 per 1000). It has fewer than the average admissions to hospital (ACT: 182 separations per 1000 people, Australian average is 198). Mental illness is the major cause of long hospital stays, with an average of 12 days.

The ACT has two major public hospitals, four private hospitals, and a community health care program that offers a range of services to people's homes or in clinics. There is about 1 doctor per 770 people.

As part of our approach we explained how Canberra rates against WHO Healthy Cities principles. The city has high child immunisation rates, participation in health screening programs and high overall health status.

It supports a sustainable ecosystem and meets the basic needs of its inhabitants by supplying clean air and water and a range of housing options. A high proportion of its students complete secondary education.

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