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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 3 Hansard (9 March) . . Page.. 818 ..

Mr Humphries: What has that got to do with it? What is the relevance?

MR BERRY: Mr Humphries says it is irrelevant. (Further extension of time granted) He is not worried about customers of AGL. This issue has foundered, if on nothing else, on the process. Here we are being asked to pass the motion before the legislation is passed and before we have the numbers.

Mr Humphries has made it clear he does not want to give us the numbers because we keep finding problems with them. He has learnt his lesson. Do not give them the numbers, they look at them too closely and we get into trouble; so keep it a secret. But he has been able to convince Mr Rugendyke and Mr Kaine.

Mr Rugendyke: Who has?

MR BERRY: You have been convinced, absent any numbers.

Mr Rugendyke: Who has convinced me though? I missed it.

MR BERRY: You have convinced yourself. That is what you told us. You have done all this research. Where did you get the numbers? You did not get them off the Treasurer because he has not got any. Or if he has, he is not giving them out to anybody. You have not taken into account the views of the owners. The owners have told you once before they do not want to sell this - - -

Mr Rugendyke: They are not. It is a joint venture; it is not a sale.

MR BERRY: Here we go. Mr Rugendyke believes the rhetoric as well. It is not a sale; it is a joint venture - and we are going to get it back.

Mr Corbell: Mr Moore said we had to buy it back.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Corbell! Mr Berry has the call.

MR BERRY: Mr Humphries does not even know how much.

Mr Corbell: Mr Moore said we had to buy it back.

MR BERRY: At one stage Mr Humphries said we were going to get around about $100m.

MR TEMPORARY DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Corbell, you have already been cautioned earlier today. Mr Berry has the call; do not interrupt.

Mr Rugendyke: Listen to it; listen to the loony left. Here it is. This is it.

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