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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 3 Hansard (7 March) . . Page.. 644 ..

MR HARGREAVES (continuing):

Certainly I will pay the point that a gas-fired generator in the ACT may have an effect on the coal-fired generators in Victoria and New South Wales. But Mr Humphries said, and I think I can quote him here, "It will reduce the ACT's greenhouse emissions".

Mr Humphries: It will, yes.

MR HARGREAVES: Well, I do not believe you, yet again. I think you are basically wrong. You have not been able to convince me and I have been sitting here most of the day. There are so many other questions that I need answered. Mr Rugendyke has a barrel load of questions. Presumably you had all your answers delivered around morning tea time?

Mr Rugendyke: Did I?

MR HARGREAVES: According to the radio this morning you expected to, Mr Rugendyke, certainly. Mr Speaker, I will address the members through you, of course. I understand that Mr Rugendyke was expecting a raft of information to be delivered mid-morning, and we know how quick Mr Rugendyke is at assimilating this information, as a result of the training that he has had in the police force.

Mr Humphries: How to win friends and influence people. It is a great job, is it not?

MR HARGREAVES: I am not bothered about winning friends and influencing people, Mr Humphries. You do not need to worry about that. I crossed you off my list a long time ago.

Mr Humphries: I move that Mr Hargreaves have an extension of time.

MR HARGREAVES: Very droll, Mr Humphries.

Mr Humphries: A big one. Keep going.

MR HARGREAVES: There is no prize for second, Minister.

Mr Humphries: As you are about to find out, I suspect.

MR HARGREAVES: I shake in my boots, Minister. Mr Speaker, I really think that this town deserves a lot more answers than it is getting. This Government are saying, "We have been talking about this thing for two years now". What they have been talking about, Mr Speaker, is flogging off the asset - nothing more and nothing less. What they need to do is come clean and answer the questions that the average citizens out there in the community want the answers to, and they have not done it. This side of the house did not say, "No, no, no, no". It said, "There is a risk to the retail sector. We understand that, and it is fine". We also said, Mr Speaker, "Show us the detail", but you have not shown us the detail. All you have done is hidden it, if you do indeed have it, or if you have the wit to understand it, which I doubt.

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