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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 3 Hansard (7 March) . . Page.. 591 ..

MR STANHOPE (continuing):

Kingston foreshore development, to the extent that it is the first breach in the wall in relation to useability for other than straightout physical recreational pursuits, is very important. We have waited an awful long time for it.

It is within that framework that I am particularly concerned about the context of the consideration of a draft variation in relation to the Kingston foreshore. The spectre of multiple storey residential accommodation has been mooted by some significant organisations around town, the Housing Industry Association and the Masters Builders Association. They, of course, have a view and a particular perspective in relation to development. Whilst supporting this particular variation, they proposed that they would like, at some future stage, to see a further variation to allow for the development of multi-storey accommodation.

I am concerned about what I see is a slightly cynical approach by the HIA and the MBA to this. They are out embracing this particular draft variation so that we can get on with the Kingston foreshore development. I think probably every member in this place would support the need for us to get on with that development. It has been a long time in its genesis. It has been a long time coming. I think there are many of us who are both anxious about it and excited at the prospect of it being done, and being done quickly.

In that scenario it is of concern that, when the prospect of multi-storey accommodation right on the lake was raised, the Minister did not squash it, or at least did not show courtesy to this place or to the Canberra community by expressing the Government's attitude to the prospect of 10-storey dwellings on the lake's edge. I think it is a matter of significant moment. I think the public response, even just within the pages of the Canberra Times in the space of the week that the debate developed, should have been signal enough to the Minister that development of the shore of Lake Burley Griffin is a matter of enormous importance to the people of Canberra and they want to know what this Government's attitude is to the prospect of such development.

It is something that the Canberra community wants to know, is demanding to know, and has a right to know. The Minister has given disingenuous and artful responses to direct questions when asked for his attitude to the prospect of what I think might rightfully be described in the context of the Lake Burley Griffin setting as potential monstrosities right on the edge of the lake. We have a right to know what he thinks about it. His obfuscation and his disingenuous answers have created a justifiable suspicion, not in the minds of those of us who are invariably suspicious but in the minds of the Canberra community.

Mr Berry: They are the high-rise party now.

MR STANHOPE: Yes. The Canberra community is justifiably concerned about the prospect of secret or other agendas. The Canberra community is concerned about the prospect that deals have been done, that the wink has been given, that there is some prospect of this proposal becoming a reality. I think the Canberra community is cynical about planning processes generally. It is important that our planning processes be above and beyond reproach and suspicion.

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