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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 2 Hansard (2 March) . . Page.. 508 ..

MR STEFANIAK (continuing):

People such as those in the P&Cs have a much more open view in relation to this proposition. More recently, they have said that, if it happens in the rest of Australia, why on earth should it not happen here. In other words, they are very much supportive of it.

Work for the dole occurs throughout Australia, including in schools. I am advised - I found this quite amazing because when this inquiry started I was not aware of similar programs in other schools - that there are now some 400 schools across Australia where there are similar work for the dole projects. I am advised that schools in Hurstville and Mudgee in New South Wales - New South Wales, of course, has a Labor government - Mount Gravatt and Beenleigh in Queensland, another state with a Labor government; and Gilles Plains, South Australia, where there is a Liberal government, have work for the dole projects. They are just some examples.

Why should Canberra citizens miss out because of the ideological pigheadedness of some people, indeed some union officials, on this issue? It is depriving young Australians and, in our case, young Canberrans, of the chance to do useful work experience - I stress "work experience" - which will help them get jobs.

My Federal colleague, Margaret Reid, released some very interesting figures some months ago. They showed that about 34 per cent went into jobs very quickly after work for the dole. The other 11 per cent went into some useful training activity such as TAFE within a few months. That totals 45 per cent. That more than favourably compares with some of the less than efficient Labor schemes of the previous Keating and Hawke governments.

One other problem we have with this committee report is that the scheme was not really what the majority of the committee thought would have been a good scheme. Again, I do not think it is the role of the committee to come up with what should occur in recommendations. They may have misunderstood it, but I do not necessarily think so.

It was made quite clear to the committee that the work for the dole is not a vocational training program. I know that Ms Tucker and Mr Berry might want it to be a vocational training program with recognised qualifications at the end, like some other programs. It is in fact a work experience program, an initiative to give young unemployed worthwhile employment, dignity and self-confidence. The program's objectives - at least as reported by the committee - are to develop work habits in young people, involve the local community in quality projects that provide for young people, help unemployed young people at the end of the projects and provide communities with quality projects that are of value.

In relation to developing work habits, participation in the project is expected to develop or enhance the ability of participants to work as part of a team; take directions from a supervisor; work independently; and improve their communication skills, motivation and dependability.

People who are against this project have made some strange comments about how difficult supervision might be. That is an insult to the very competent janitors, teachers and office staff we have in schools. They quite regularly supervise volunteers in similar situations. They might be called upon to supervise people such as tradesmen who come

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