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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 2 Hansard (2 March) . . Page.. 495 ..

MR HIRD (continuing):

is going to identify a time span in respect of this matter. Let us analyse the situation. If it is not a political issue, let us analyse the proposal that we have before us in this chamber.

There are 17 members and there are six active committees. The Urban Services Committee has been one of the progressive committees inasmuch as it does turn out the various reports when it needs to and in the time required. On that committee I have Mr Rugendyke as deputy chair and Mr Corbell. I put it to members that if the house does agree to having a select committee the situation will be that I will be one member and the mover of this amendment will be another, so the majority will come out of the Urban Services Committee. I would not be at all surprised if my good colleague on the crossbench, Mr Rugendyke, is not a member. So there we have, by subterfuge, the Urban Services Committee.

Mr Kaine put his finger right on the button when he referred to the workload of the committees. The workload of the committees is quite heavy. Consider the resources required for the committees and the very limited resources we have. Look at the Urban Services Committee and the way the Minister has allowed other officers to come forward to assist us and give us guidance in respect of some technical aspect.

Look at our select committee structure at the moment. I know of two that are dragging behind. I am a member of one, and the other - - -

Mr Corbell: Well, get on with it.

MR HIRD: You are a member of the other. I am on the Select Committee on Housing. It is no fault of anyone. Ms Tucker is the chair. I am not reflecting on the ability of the chair to come in with a report. What I am saying is that the resources that we have are very limited. The other select committee, the one you are a member of, is the Select Committee on Government Contracting and Procurement Processes. I am not being disrespectful to the chair, the Leader of the Opposition. I am saying that there are limited resources. Notwithstanding any of this, let us look at what we have just gone through in the draft budget process, which is a new and innovative approach in this house.

Mr Berry: A waste of time. Tell us what you really think, Harold.

MR HIRD: My old empty cobber over there says it is a waste of time. A lot of people do not share your view, Mr Berry. You are saying that people in the community have wasted their time in putting in submissions to the respective committees, ACTCOSS in particular. You are a member of one of the committees. I thought it was valuable information. This place ascertained valuable information on how money should be spent on behalf of the Territory. What happens when the Treasurer delivers the budget? We go through another very difficult process.

Mr Berry: Everybody goes, "Boo, hiss".


: Listen, Mr Berry, and you might learn. You are not putting out bushfires now. We will set up another committee. I do commend Mr Corbell. He was a better

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