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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 2 Hansard (29 February) . . Page.. 331 ..

Page 13, line 23, omit "corporation" (wherever occurring), substitute "authority".

Clause 36 -

Page 13 -

Line 26, omit "corporation" (wherever occurring), substitute "authority".

Line 32, paragraph (b), omit "corporation", substitute "authority".

Clause 37 -

Page 14, line 3, omit "corporation" (first and second occurring), substitute "authority".

Amendments agreed to.

Clauses 25 to 37, as amended, agreed to.

Proposed new clause 37A

MR QUINLAN (11.16): I move amendment No. 73 which proposes new clause 37A. It reads as follows:

Page 14, line 4:

"37A Regulations

The Executive may make regulations for this Act.".

This follows on from the previous sentiments incorporated into the Bill and allows the Executive to make regulations in conjunction with the Act and to facilitate the provisions of the Act, as amended.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 38

MR QUINLAN (11.17): Mr Speaker, I ask for leave to move amendments Nos 74 to 76 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.


Page 15 -

Line 5, subclause (1), omit "corporation", substitute "authority".

Line 7, subclause (2), omit "corporation", substitute "authority".

Line 10, subclause (4), omit "corporation" (wherever occurring), substitute "authority".

Amendments agreed to.

MS TUCKER (11.18): I move amendment No. 6 circulated in my name, which reads as follows:

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