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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 1 Hansard (15 February) . . Page.. 92 ..

. the costs associated with the extension of such period;

. the special circumstances of the officer; and

. any other relevant factor.

2.6 Allowances If the settling-in period or temporary accommodation

following an period of an officer with, but unaccompanied by

extension of the dependants, has been extended in accordance with

relevant period B: 2.4 the extension must be considered to be a settling-in period, or temporary accommodation period, in respect of an officer with dependants.

3. Entitlement to allowances

3.1 At locality from

which re-



3.1.1 Temporary An officer may be entitled to an allowance under

accommodation B: 4 of this Chapter if on account of removal or other arrangements relating to the re-location:

. the accommodation in which an officer ordinarily resides becomes unavailable or unsuitable for

residence; and

. the officer resides in temporary accommodation

at that locality during the whole or a part of the

settling-out period.

3.1.2 Board and An officer is entitled to be paid an allowance

lodging in accordance with B: 5 in respect of the whole or part of the settling-out period, if:

� suitable temporary accommodation is unavailable; and

� they reside, during the whole or a part of the settling-out period at that locality:

- in board and lodging accommodation; or

- in other accommodation which is suitable only as a transitional arrangement.

3.1.3 Entitlement Officers may be entitled to allowances at the locality to which they have relocated in accordance with either B: 3.1.1, or B: 3.1.2, but not both.

3.2 At locality to

which relocated


3.2.1 Temporary An officer is entitled to be paid an allowance, in

accommodation accordance with B: 4, for the whole or the part of the

temporary accommodation period, if:

. suitable accommodation is unavailable at the locality to which an officer is relocated; and

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