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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 2000 Week 1 Hansard (15 February) . . Page.. 55 ..

(b) the locality at which the officer performed duty immediately before action was taken to transfer the officer;

(c) the locality at which the officer will be required to perform duty as a consequence of the transfer;

(d) the cost of the conveyance, and of the removal of furniture and household effects, of the officer and dependants of the officer to the locality to which the officer is transferred;

(e) any other action which has been taken in relation to the officer; and

(f) any other relevant matter,

that the officer should be taken to be so transferred.

1.4 Application

1.4(1) Subject to subclause (2), this determination applies to -

(a) a Senior Executive Service officer; and

(c) an employee who is entitled to be paid salary within the range of salaries of Senior Executive Service officers.

(2) This determination shall not apply to an officer in respect of the performance by the officer of duties overseas.

(3) Nothing in this clause shall be taken to prevent a person who resided overseas immediately before that person's appointment or engagement to the Service being an eligible transferred officer.

DIVISION 3 - Temporary Accommodation Allowances

3.1 Interpretation

3.1(1) In this Division, unless the contrary intention appears -

"bond money" means an amount of money required to be paid under the terms of a lease or tenancy agreement as a security against any of the following -

(a) the cost of necessary repair of damage occasioned by the lessee or tenant;

(b) default in rent payments; or

(c) failure by the lessee or tenant to give notice of termination of the lease or agreement as required by the lease or agreement;

"officer with, but unaccompanied by, dependants" means an officer who -

(a) has one or more dependants;

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