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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 10 Hansard (14 October) . . Page.. 3222 ..

The Emergency Services Bureau - No.

The ACT Department of Housing - Yes. Updated because old system faulty.

ACTION - Yes. The Belconnen system has been updated to include a record function.

Waste Management - No.

The Casino Surveillance Authority - the system is regularly changed to suit the different table layout configurations on the gaming floor and to move cameras to higher risk areas as necessary.

Canberra Institute of Technology - system has been expanded and broadened to include 24 hr access to laboratories on Bruce Campus.

Department of Health - at the Health Building two additional cameras have been added to level 1.

The ACT Legislative Assembly - No.

Erindale - Yes, two sensors were added in 1997 at the time the Centre was refurbished to counter increasing levels of vandalism.

Manning Clark Offices - No.

Part 2 (i): is there a complaints mechanism for the public;

Depending on the nature of the complaint, it may be possible for the public to make a complaint to the Ombudsman Ombudsman Act (1989) or the Privacy Commissioner Privacy Act (1988) (Cth). Internal complaint mechanisms are as follows:

The AFP - Complaints are dealt with under the Complaints (AFP) Act 1981.

The Emergency Services Bureau - responsibility of the Communications Manager.

The ACT Department of Housing - No.


Waste Management - utilizes the existing complaints system in place for Waste Management operations.

Casino Surveillance Authority - the public can lodge complaints with the Authority.

Canberra Institute of Technology - complaints can be made through existing CIT procedures including complaints to the Faculty, School or Director level. Students have input via the CIT Student Association.

Department of Health - Health complaints procedure.

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