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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 10 Hansard (14 October) . . Page.. 3219 ..

Mr Humphries (continuing):

Cameras fitted to the Emergency Department of Calvary Hospital are to alert the triage sister to incoming ambulances. The cameras have a security function for staff also.

The ACT Legislative Assembly - security and protection against vandalism.

Erindale - installed when managed by Sport and recreation in 1995, to stop fraud and theft; currently used for building security, fraud control and safety of users of the gyms and tennis courts and as a deterrent to vandals.

Manning Clark Offices - because of the buildings isolated position the units were installed to improve the security after hours to the staff and facility.

Part 2(d): has the system been subjected to a trial and; if so, what are the results of the trial;

The AFP - No trial.

The Emergency Services Bureau - No trial.

The ACT Department of Housing - No trial.

ACTION - No trial.

Waste Management - No trial.

The Casino Surveillance Authority - No trial.

The Canberra Institute of Technology - No trial. Able to draw on the experience of other comparable institutions.

Department of Health - No trial.

The ACT Legislative Assembly - No.

Erindale - No.

Manning Clark Offices - No.

Part 2(e): who monitors the system;

AFP - AFP personnel.

The Emergency Services Bureau - Communications Centre staff.

The ACT Department of Housing - Department of Housing staff (2 persons).

ACTION - ACTION's Transport Officers.

The Casino Surveillance Authority - Casino Canberra's Surveillance Department and the Casino Surveillance Authority.

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