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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 8 Hansard (26 August) . . Page.. 2546 ..
MS TUCKER (continuing):
The Productivity Commission said that the broad community approach and attitude to gambling was not being reflected by governments and policy-makers around Australia, with 75 per cent believing that gambling does more harm than good and 92 per cent not wanting to see an increase in gaming machines. We are not seeing that reflected by governments and policy-makers, as I have said. That is why this consultation line is really important. It is there so that the community feels as though there is some interest, if you like, from governments in what the community thinks. It is interesting that in countries such as the United States and New Zealand there has been a very strong community reaction in this regard and community groups have been set up to deal with proposals they have not been consulted about for another gambling facility of some kind. I think the amendment is quite important.
Amendment agreed to.
MR HUMPHRIES (Treasurer, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Community Safety) (5.07): I move:
Page 4, line 19, after paragraph (2) ( c) insert the following paragraph:
"(ca) monitoring, researching and funding activities relating to gaming and racing;".
This amendment recognises the functions of the ACT commission in research, data collection, monitoring, developing and funding initiatives relating to gaming and so on.
MS TUCKER (5.08): I seek clarification. I am not sure whether this amendment is actually overriding the one of mine that we have just passed. Is it different again?
Mr Humphries: It is about monitoring, researching and funding activities relating to gaming and racing.
MR DEPUTY SPEAKER: I do not see a conflict, Ms Tucker. You may have a point. The amendment refers to monitoring, researching and funding activities relating to gaming and racing. The advice I have received is that there is no difficulty with the amendments we have been looking at, Ms Tucker.
Amendment agreed to.
MR HUMPHRIES (Treasurer, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Community Safety) (5.09): I move:
Page 4, line 27, paragraph (2) ( f), omit the paragraph.
The amendment omits paragraph (2)( f) from clause 6 because the provision has been included in the revised functions of the commission as identified in amendment No. 5.
Amendment agreed to.
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