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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 8 Hansard (25 August) . . Page.. 2463 ..

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre will be located upon Acton Peninsula due to its affinity with the other uses the Commonwealth proposes for the site.

7. Australian National University boundaries

The Territory notes that the ANU will propose to the Commonwealth an alternative to its boundary on the peninsula in the context of its own development plans.


The Hon PJ Keating MP

Prime Minister

Parliament House


Dear Prime Minister

Thank you for meeting with me on 6 April 1995. I appreciated the time that you took to hear my vision for Canberra and for the consideration you have given to the Territory's transition to State type financial arrangements.

I am now writing to confirm my understanding of the agreements we have reached in relation to these matters. My understanding is as follows.

The Commonwealth Government agrees to provide additional Special Revenue Assistance to the ACT of $15 million in the 1995-96 financial year. Clearly this level of funding will be setting us a significant challenge.

As well the Commonwealth agrees to make available to the ACT Government all land on the Kingston Foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin. Those parts of that land which are currently under Commonwealth planning control will remain so and the Commonwealth will ensure that the NCPA deals with the ACT Government with maximum flexibility.

In return, the ACT Government agrees to provide the Commonwealth with the whole of the Acton Peninsula site up to the ANU boarder, minus the hospice and the cottage; to clear the site; and to provide necessary infrastructure up to $3 million in support of the Gallery of Aboriginal Australia as part of the network of the National Museum of Australia.

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