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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 8 Hansard (25 August) . . Page.. 2454 ..

MR HUMPHRIES (Treasurer, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Community Safety) (6.49): The Government supports this Bill. Mr Speaker, I seek leave to incorporate in Hansard some notes prepared for me indicating the Government's position in general on the legislation.

Leave granted.

The notes read as follows:

Government supports this Bill. It may benefit Territory motorists.

Support does not imply acceptance of Mr Osborne's assertions that major savings will result.

Best information available to Government, from CSIRO, is that saving may be 0.16% not 1% as claimed by Mr Osborne

CSIRO figures are that average sale temperature is 18.3* celsius and average delivery temperature is 19.6* celsius.

Osborne figures are based on example of sale temperature of 12* and delivery temperature of 20*

CSIRO figures are based on a limited sample

CSIRO figures seem consistent with information obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology internet site regarding temperatures for Sydney and Canberra

Matter has a long history

Ministerial Council on Consumer Affairs considered temperature correction at the retail level for several years

In 1996 Council concluded likely costs outweighed any benefits to consumers

Council was dealing with retail level across Australia, Mr Osborne's Bill deals with wholesale level in A.C.T. Government is prepared to accept different factors may apply at wholesale level in the A.C.T.

1992 Report of the A.C.T. Government Working Group on Petrol Prices considered this question and related question of evaporation

Report mentions that Mobil offered its retailers a "Mobil Meter Wholesale" scheme which compensated retailers for losses due to temperature change and evaporation

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