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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 6 Hansard (22 June) . . Page.. 1711 ..

Card-holder Responsibilities

10.11 Card-holders must:

ensure they hold the necessary financial delegations to approve expenditure;

immediately upon receipt of the card sign the reverse side;

use their card for official purposes only;

keep their card secure, preferably in the safe or on person, when not in use. The

number is to be kept confidential to minimise opportunities for fraud;

personally be responsible for all purchasing, documentation, acquittal and payment

obligations related to their cards usage;

observe any restrictions or limitations imposed in respect of approved suppliers

and/or categories of expenditure; and

comply with normal purchasing requirements on quotation, tender and gazettal.


10.12 All variations to card-holders and/or credit and transaction limits require the endorsement of the Manager and formal advice to the AMEX Administration Officer.


10.13 Where an officer no longer requires a card, is transferred or leaves DET, they must surrender their. card. The card must be cut in half and returned to the AMEX Administration Officer in the Finance Section who will arrange the formal cancellation with AMEX.

10.14 Managers must ensure the card-holder has cleared any outstanding purchases or

arrangements are in place to do so on their behalf.

Relief Staff

10.15 An officer relieving in a position where the occupant holds a credit card is not permitted to use the card of a person whom they are relieving.

10.16 If the card-holder is expected to be absent in excess of one month the person acting in the position carrying the delegation may be issued with a card provided they meet the criteria for eligibility at 10.1.4.

Methods of Use

10. 17 An ACT Government credit card may be used across the counter (in person), by telephone, by mail and by fax. Care should be taken when quoting the card number that:

strangers are not present when using it by phone;

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