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Legislative Assembly for the ACT: 1999 Week 6 Hansard (22 June) . . Page.. 1689 ..

The following response is provided in respect of ACT Communty Care:

(1) Credit Cards holders: (a) Michael Szwarcbord

Chief Executive Officer

(b) Robert Cusack

Executive Director

Corporate and Business Development

(c) Sim Sung


Finance and Contract Management

(2) All officers operate American Express credit cards.

(3) Credit limits: (a) Michael Szwarebord $4,000 per month

(b) Robert Cusack $46,500 per month

(c) Sim Sung $30,000 per month

(4) Protocols on the use of credit cards are contained in the Chief Executive's Financial Instructions which are issued to officers within ACT Community Care. In addition, detailed procedures on the use of corporate credit cards have also been issued.

(5) Transaction details relating to the credit cards must be fully disclosed and properly authorised for payment of those transactions to be processed. These transactions are also subject to audit.

(6) Transaction details on the credit cards for the year ended 31 December 1998 are as follows:

Expenditure Type Amount

Accommodation $5,136.66

Travel $2,498.82

Publications $2,648.48

Furniture $4,159.00

Stationery $694.22

Communications $722.80

Official Hospitality $307.90

Office requisites $1,197.73

Room Hire $523.40

Fees, Registration, Course,

memberships etc $10,138.60

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